Participate in Pro Bono

Photo of Amber Doyle '24 and Christine Marolda '24 sitting at a desk working laptops

The Campbell Law School Aspirational Objective for Pro Bono Public Legal Service and Community Service

(Adopted by the Faculty on Nov. 1, 2019)

In light of our fourth distinctive, N.C. Rules of Professional Conduct and ABA Accreditation Standards, Campbell School of Law has adopted the following objective with respect to pro bono publico legal service and community service by our law students during their tenure at the law school:

Every Campbell Law student in good academic standing should aspire to render a combined total of at least fifty (50) hours of free services over the course of the student’s tenure at Campbell Law by the end of the student’s final semester[1] at Campbell Law. In fulfilling this objective, students are encouraged to:

  • Provide at least 40 hours, without compensation or academic credit, or expectation of compensation or academic credit, of
    1. Pro bono legal service, utilizing specialized professional skills to render legal services to (1) persons of limited means; or (2) charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental and educational organizations in matters which are designed primarily to address the needs of persons of limited means; or
    2. Pro bono law related public service[2], activities which include (i) helping groups or organization seeking to secure or protect civil rights, civil liberties, or public rights; (ii) helping charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental, and education organization not able to afford legal representation; (iii) participating in activities providing information about justice, the law or the legal system to those who might not otherwise have such information; and (iv) engaging in activities to enhance the capacity of the law and legal institution to do justice; or
    3. Participation in any Campbell Law approved Pro Bono Project or Legal Clinic while not enrolled in the clinic[3] or pro bono project.
  • Participate in community service[4].

[1] This policy is effective as of the first day of classes beginning the Fall 2019 semester. Students in the graduating Class of 2019 are exempt from the changes. Pro Bono hours accumulated prior to the Fall 2019 semester can be record for the purposes of the aspirational objective.

[2]  “Pro bono law-related public service” may include excess hours served during unpaid externships and/or internships which otherwise qualify under section (b). There is a twenty-five (25) hour cap on the number of eligible excess unpaid externship and/or internship hours per semester; fall, spring, or summer.

[3] Students who volunteer for a Campbell Law clinic may record hours worked as pro bono for work completed during semesters they are not enrolled in the clinic.

[4]  “Community service” means volunteer work in the community which is non-legal and non-law-related public service (includes, without limitation, volunteer service to charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental, and educational organizations). There is a ten (10) hour cap on the number of community service hours eligible for counting towards pro bono.